Shooting Schedule

Here is a list dates of when we are going to be recording, including time’s and location’s

16th November – 10:00 – 62 Richmond Road LN1 1LH

17th November – 11:00 – West Common , Lincoln

19th November – 16.00 – 3 Temple Gardens LN2 1NP

20th November – 15.00 – 3 Temple Gardens LN2 1NP

23rd November – 16.00 – 91 Carholme Road LN1 1RT

24th November – 15.30 – 3 Temple Gardens LN2 1NP

26th November – 12.00 – Richmond Road

27th November – 16.30 – 3 Temple Gardens LN2 1NP

29th November – 13.00 – 179 Carholme Road LN1 1RU

1st Test Recording and List of Equipment

Before we get to the stage of principal photography, we’d thought it would be a good idea to book all of the equipment and get to grips with it , especially with regards to the camera as we have little experience with them.

This is the camera which is going to be used to film this project .Cannon C100

Canon C100


Lucky for us , this camera has 2 XLR inputs with individual gain and phantom switch controls , which is perfect for our needs.



Rode NTG2


This is the microphone we are going to use to hopefully record most of the on-set dialogue. Rode NTG2



Audio-Technica Pro 70]

This is going to be our 2nd microphone of choice, for when the boom isn’t suitable for example if we are filming in a confined space or on a multi-cam shot. Audio-Technica Pro 70



Zoom H4n

We may also use this Zoom H4n if we’re able record dialogue, but are too far away / too impractical to record directly to the camera.



Boom Pole


And a pole obviously



Picture of us from last monday

Photo 23-10-2014 01 01 39

Project Synopsis and Overview


We intend to fulfil our clients request of producing a full sound mix to accompany a 20 minute film. The plot of the film is as follow;

“Tied” (Working Title) is a short drama film of 15 minutes that follows a young woman, Becky as she copes with a strained home life and difficult new friends. After being peer pressured into exploring a seemingly abandoned house Becky crosses paths with the suicidal Angela. As the two support each other in an emotional conversation and Becky’s impatient new friends become increasingly bored of waiting, the two manage to find solace in each others company.

Aims & Objectives

Our main aim is as follows;

Create a full sound mix containing dialogue, sound effects, atmospheres and music for the film whilst maintaining a professional level of communication with our client throughout the project.
Our objectives are as follows;

Utilise the use of real instruments as oppose to synthesizers where possible to give a better sound.
Draw upon similar works from relevant film composers.
Effectively use foley, sound banks and on set recording evenly to ensure the widest scope for suitable sounds.
Draw upon similar works from relevant sound design teams.
Use as much on set dialogue as possible to save time and prevent lip syncing issues.
Have a basic understanding of on set filming techniques, with a more in-depth knowledge of on set sound recording.
Critique other student films.
Be present to as much of the creative process as possible to gain a better feel of the project in the early stages.
Sound Requirements

We have categorized the sound requirements into the following 5 areas –

On Set Dialogue
Sound Effects (including foley)

In order to ease research, we decided to split the sound requirements between the 3 of us. This does not mean that we would be fully completing each element individually, but the individual would be researching the relevant element and would ultimately have more of a creative decision over that area. The roles are as follow;

On set dialogue & ADR – Luke

Sound Effects and backgrounds – Ben

Music – Bobby

Learning Outcomes

– Since we are working with another group as a client and fulfilling there needs , I think that one of the biggest learning outcomes would be to keep a very consistent flow of communication between us and our clients, updating them with the about of progress that has been made and/or if any changes/compromises that have to be made.

– Whilst this is only a student project , I think that maintaining a reasonable amount of professionalism wouldn’t go amiss in terms of time keeping and been committed to the project.

-I would also like to improve upon my location recording skills and this would the ideal task to do so on and would be indefinitely beneficial to this project.