Day 3

Day 3 19th November – 16.00 – 3 Temple Gardens LN2 1NP Outside Dark Street light

This would be the 2nd outdoor scene we shot , this time at night.

This was one of the hardest things to shot as we were outside for 5 hours and the cold was really getting to us.

The biggest calling for us in this case was the background noise. The street we were filming on was next to a dual carriageway making quite a bit of the material we recorded unusable. However we did get some fantastic looking footage.





Day 2

2nd Day – 17th November – 11:00 – West Common , Lincoln

I actually showed on time!!, this is also the first outdoor scene we shot ( other than the test one).This presented up with one massive challenge , Wind……..

On this particular day it was very windy and gusty, making it impossible to get a clean dialogue recording, even monitoring the microphone was very difficult as the wind hitting my headphones was creating a lot of noise in itself.

We were also under time pressure as we had to get the shots we needed before it got dark, and on top of that it started to rain. And to top it of there were also horses in the field we were recording and they were slowly moving in to shot

Nuisance Horses


Day 1

1st Day – 16th November – 10:00 – 62 Richmond Road  LN1 1LH

This was the first date of principle photography starting with the Kitchen scene. Unfortunaly for me, I had a power cut the night before so my alarm clock failed meaning that I arrived at the location we were shooting at 2 hours late, fortunately however ben and bobby did arrive on time and shooting wasn’t delayed. One of the challenges we encountered at this location was lack of space, meaning it was just the DP and Boom op in the room for certain shots, meaning 2 of us would need to hang back whilst they were filming.



2nd Test Recording / Night Time Recording

For this test shoot , we decided to film at night at West Common . The main purpose of this test was to see how well the camera could handle very low light conditions , but fortunately the footage looked better than expected.

Even though we were only there for a short period of time, I learnt quite a bit from the experience. One main thing was the fact we were filming in darkness, it took us twice as long to set up and move the equipment as normal (something we’ve got to take into account with regards to the filming schedule) , and we also had to be weary of one another as we were filming in darkness with everyone silent and focusing on the task in hand , it get very difficult to track where anyone is at any given time.


Having done this 2nd test shot , I feel it puts us in a good position in terms of ability and confidence to successfully complete this 20 minute film .


A picture from Thursday 23rd
