ADR Ollie 7th Dec

This was one of many sessions in the sound theatre, first of which was a ADR session with the films main character Ollie. The mic we had chosen to use was the Rode NTG2 as it was the same mic that we had used to capture our onset dialogue with, and so that ADR would match the location audio as much as possible.For this session we used Protool’s Playlist function on a loop so we would record 10-15 takes for each line and then choose the best matches the on screen dialogue, and if we had to , give the actors some critique in getting the performance we needed out of them . I would later go on to match up and fine tune the dialogue as there is a bit of latency we recording in to Protools, as the buffer size as at 2048 due to the number of inputs and 5.1 output this particular Protools system has to process.

We had another ADR session for the other actors which followed the same process.


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If I were to do it again I would like to do it in the same style as below , in which there is a countdown timer so that the actors know when to come in and the script on screen in a karaoke style.